
At Coalway Community Infant School, we encourage the children to develop an enquiring mind through our ambitious science curriculum based on the national curriculum. Our curriculum is broad and balanced and fosters a healthy curiosity through our themes of materials, animals including humans, seasons, living things and their habitats, plants and the wetland project.

The children will acquire and develop key knowledge which has been identified within each theme. This knowledge builds progressively each year ensuring our children develop a firm foundation of science. Within each planned unit, the children will learn practical scientific skills which will be applied alongside the key knowledge they are learning. The children will use symbols to help them identify the scientific skills: asking questions, observing and measuring and recording data. Children are encouraged to ask questions and be curious about their surroundings. A love of science is nurtured through a whole school ethos and a varied science curriculum.

Our curriculum ensures that the children experience hands on science through practical investigations and by exploring scientific concepts within the outside environment e.g. searching for micro habitats. Each half term children will learn about scientists from the past who have made ground breaking discoveries e.g. Edward Jenner. They will also learn about modern day scientists that have continued with ground breaking discoveries by standing on the shoulders of scientists from the past e.g. Daniella Dos Santos. Through learning about scientists, we aim to inspire our children to become the next generation of aspiring scientists.